Natural Gas Compressor of 400-21-1С

Compressor of 400-21-1С is a part of the gas pumping unit with the capacity of 32 MW and used for the compression and the movement of gas via the gas–main pipelines. The basic variant of the compressor — 400-21-1C is designed for operation on gas–main pipelines with working pressure of 11,86 MPa. Superchargers 400СПЧ1, 44/76-32S and 400СПЧ1, 38/76-32C are intended for operation on gas-main pipelines with working pressure of 7,45 MPa.


  • efficiency no lower than 0.85;
  • pressure ratio 1.44;
  • capacity referred to the initial conditions 505m³ rpm;
  • design speed of the compressor rotor 5550 rpm.

Compressors 400-21-1С, 400СПЧ1,44/76-32С and 400СПЧ1, 38/76-32С are fully unified in their casings, running gears and drive coupling. Compressors are made centrifugal, two–stage with «dry» seals and oil bearings.

The 400-21-1С base compressor is equipped with a flow passage with vaned diffusers, compessors 400СПЧ1,4 4/76-32С and 400СПЧ1, 38/76-32С have flow passages with vaneless diffusers. All the compressors are supplied with gas dynamic seals made by “John Crane Iskra”.

Design features:

  • application of flow passages differing in their geometry, which provides the gas flow and gas compression values required by the Customer;
  • application of forged casings providing working capacity of the unit at the larger end of the pressure, and having a better resource.