Standardized Gas-Pumping Units Based on Heavy-Duty GTU

REP Holding develops and manufactures standardized gas-pumping units based on gas-turbine engines of various power ratings.

The design features of the auxiliary systems and hangar-type buildings make it possible to use all engines, currently available at REP Holding, as well as gas-turbine units with similar dimensions and technical parameters as part of the standardized gas-pumping unit.

The main objective of the GPU standardization is to avoid unnecessary diversity of the elements of the same purpose and the type variety of their parts, bringing, as far as possible, the methods of their manufacture, assembly, testing and servicing to being uniform.

Standardization of the unit systems makes it possible to:

  • significantly reduce the volume of design work and time for design
  • reduce the time of the new equipment creation
  • reduce the cost of new products mastering
  • increase the level of mechanization and automation of the production processes by increasing the seriation level and reducing labor input
  • reduce the nomenclature of spare parts and repair costs of the GPU

Standardization contributes to higher quality of the GPU elements, their reliability and durability. Standardization improves the basic technical-economic indicators, both those of the manufacturers and operating organizations

During the construction of new pipelines using standardized GPU makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of development and the cost of the design documentation, as well as to reduce the metal consumption. In addition, this offers an additional opportunity to manage the delivery of the equipment in order to meet the deadline for installation of GPU.