1935 - Establishment of the design engineering office for development and production of electric switchboards and equipment for Svirskaya hydroelectric power station.
1936 - Manufacture of the first prototype panel for the main control boards of power plants.
1937 - Reorganization of the design engineering office into a State Union Plant of electrical equipment, instruments and control boards for power plants; the name of "Electropult" is assigned.
Manufacturing of the first complete control board for the Komsomol hydropower station of Chirchigsky cascade in Uzbekistan.
1940 - Manufacturing of the first complete control equipment for Uglichskaya hydropower station.
1942 - Plant evacuation to the town of Chirchik, Uzbekistan. By the Plant efforts a new enterprise “Electroshshit'' was founded.
1944 - Restoration and expansion of the plant, construction of the new site.
1945 - Presentation of the transferable Red Banner by the people's Commissariat and All-Union Central Trade Union Council based on the results of the Socialist competition.
1949 - Manufacture of the equipment for the first nuclear power station in Obninsk.
1950 - Manufacturing of the first dispatch board.
Manufacture of the equipment for the Leningrad underground.
1951-1955 - Development and production of the first domestic telemeasurement and telecontrol devices.
1952 - Start of supply of power panels for export.
1956-1959 - Supply of the equipment for 10 hydropower stations.
1957 - The Ist degree diploma for the telemechanical equipment presented at the all-Union exhibition.
Supply of the equipment for the Kuybyshevskaya HPP.
Manufacture of the equipment for Bhilai Steel Plant (India).
1960 - First place award in the socialist competition of Leningrad enterprises.
1961 - Manufacture of the control systems for on-land equipment of the Baikonur space-vehicle launching site.
1965 - Supply of the equipment for the Krasnoyarskaya HPP.
1967 - Supply of the equipment for the Asuan HPP (Egypt).
1972 - Manufacture of the equipment for the first stage of Leningrad nuclear power station.
1972-1985 - Supply of the equipment for 25 nuclear power stations.
1976 - For the contribution to the development of new emerging technology the Plant was awarded the order of the Red Banner of Labour.
1978 - Supply of the equipment for the Sayano – Shushenskaya HPP.
1980 - Manufacture and supply of the equipment for the 4st unit of Leningrad nuclear power station.
1984 - Supply of the control equipment of on-land facilities of Plesetsk space-vehicle launching site.
1985 - For the completion of the modernization of special facilities the Plant is awarded the Order of the October revolution.
1988 - The Plant was reorganized into the research-and-production association "Electropult”.
1991 - Manufacturing of the first unit control room for the training equipment of the Zaporozhskaya nuclear power station.
The Plant was reorganized into lease enterprise “ELECTROPULT Plant”.
1991-1998 - Manufacture of 10 simulatos for nuclear power stations.
1993 - The Plant was transformed into a closed joint – stock company.
The Ist degree diploma award for the microprocessor telemehanical complex presented at the All-Union Exhibition of Economic Achievements.
Commissioning of the Plant polyclinic.
1994 - Start of commercialization of the microprocessor telemechanical complex.
1995 - Manufacture of the simulator for Leningrad nuclear power station in cooperation with S-3 Technologies, USA.
Commissioning of a dwelling house with 200 apartments.
1997 - Start of production of the high – voltage equipment.
1998 - Manufacture of the simulator for Ignalinskaya nuclear power station in cooperation with STN ATLAS Elektronik GmbH, Germany.
Commissioning of the health and fitness centre.
Supply of the equipment for standby control boards to modernize the 1st and 2nd units of the Kolskaya NPP, under the contract controlled by the European Bank for reconstruction and development.
1999-2000 - Design and assimilation of the packaged process protection devices УКТЗ-М for automatic protection of the power-generating equipment at the thermal and nuclear power plants.
2000-2001 - Design and assimilation of the BOP package transformer substation of КТПСН series.
2002 - The first commercial release of the switchgears type К-204 ЭП, К-205 ЭП.
2003 - The entity became an Open Joint Stock Company.
Mr. Lokotkov Gennadii Ivanovich was elected to be the Director General.
Modernization of the company started.
2004 - OJSC “ELECTROPULT Plant” joined Closed Co. “RosElektroProm Holding” as a basic entity.
2006 - OJSC “ELECTROPULT Plant” became the first platinum partner of the company “RITTAL”.
2006 - Delivery of the Full-Scale Simulator for NPP “KudanKulam” in Tamil Nadu (state of India).
2007 - The first Mobile Modular Substation was designed and manufactured.
2007 - A new-generation of the Electrically-Driven Gas-Pumping Unit (EGPU) was designed for OAO “Gazprom”.
2007 - Being a part of Closed Co. “REPH”, OJSC “ELECTROPULT Plant” became the first Russian Company which attained the Certificate of Conformance to STO Gazprom 9001-2006.p>