The “Electropult-Sistema” Company was established in June 2007.


"Electropult-Sistema” Ltd. provides automation of the industrial objects of high complexity, such as: power plant, compressor station, gas-pumping unit, turbine, electrical drive, floating platform, chemical production facilities, etc. Also the Company specializes in designing of the modern control system for the equipment manufactured at JSC “REP Holding”. Several dozens of the control systems are designed, manufactured and commissioned per year. 

The Company personnel includes highly-qualified design engineers, scientists, and programmers. All the specialists have gained a large experience as they have designed and have commissioned hundreds of various automated systems for the plants in Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkey and other countries. The major part of the Products of “Electropult-Sistema” Ltd. is used by the companies of “Gazprom”.

нженерный центр Невского завода осуществляет исследования и опытно-конструкторские работы, реализовывает задачи по разработке высокоэффективного турбокомпрессорного оборудования в соответствии с современными требованиями профильных отраслей нефтегазовой, химической, металлургической промышленности и энергетики, а также инновационных направлений в области энергомашиностроения. В штате Инженерного центра – более 200 опытных специалистов. 


The high performance of the automated systems manufactured by “Electropult-Sistema” Ltd. is ensured by application of the highly reliable electronic items manufactured by the leading world manufacturers, to the company’s engineering works related to the circuit design, and the gas turbine drive control, and owing to the company’s research in the sphere of the control and adjustment theory. 

The Company continuously carries out a research to improve the existing designs and to find new solutions related to automation.


Director General

Chernikov Andrey Viktorovich


66 building 3/1 Arsenalnaya str., Saint-Petersburg, 195009, Russia

Tel.: +7 (812) 448 22 09 ext. 22-81, 22-15, 22-14

Fax.: +7 (812) 412 64 84, +7 (812) 448 22 09 ext. 22-81

Location map