The XVI International Scientific and Technical Conference on Compressor-Building that took place on September 23-25, 2014 in Saint Petersburg was successfully completed at "REP Holding”. The venue for the Conference was "Nevskiy Zavod", the oldest industrial enterprise of St.-Petersburg and the leading power machine-building company in Russia that has been a designer and manufacturer of the power engineering products - gas and steam turbines, centrifugal and axial compressors - for more than 75 years.
This Conference has half a century history and is a key scientific and technical industry event for the compressor subject-matter. The XVI International Scientific and Technical Conference on Compressor-Building was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the power machine-building company “REP Holding” and traditionally addressed the most important topics of modern compressor-building, highlighting the full range of issues related to research, design, manufacture, operation, upgrading and service maintenance of compressor equipment of all types.
This year, the Conference brought together about 200 engineering industry professionals from 80 companies from Russia, CIS and far-abroad countries. Representatives of Russian companies, as well as delegates from Belarus, Ukraine, Austria, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Japan, the United States and etc. gathered together at REP Holding premises on September, 23 to 25.
The leading technical universities in Russia and the CIS, engineering, scientific and technical enterprises, major oil and gas companies and design institutes became companies-participants of the Conference. Among the delegates and speakers there were representatives of such organizations as OAO “Gazprom”, OOO “Gazprom VNIIGAZ”, OOO “Gazprom transgaz Saint Petersburg», LLC "Siemens gas turbines", "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Compressor Corporation», ZAO «NIIturbokompressor named after V.B. Shneppa"(GMS group), PAO “Sumy NPO named after M.V. Frunze”, OAO Holding Company "VNIIKHOLODMASH-HOLDING", OAO NPO «Iskra», OAO «Gyprogaztsentr», National Aerospace University named after N.Ye. Zhukovskiy (KhAI), Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, OOO “Gazprom transgaz Ukhta”, ZAO "Iskra-Aviagaz", PAO "Yuzhniigiprogaz", SKF Magnetic, Mechatronics, OOO ”Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk», OOO “Gazprom transgaz Yeukaterinburg", OAO "Kazancompressormash” (GMS group), OAO “NK Rosneft”, OAO "ODK-Gas turbines ", Siemens Ltd., OAO “Dalenergomash”, OAO ANK “Bashneft”, OOO “Gazprom transgaz Tomsk”, LLC «RusTurboMash», OAO «Gazprom transgaz Belarus" and many others.
On the first day of the Conference a plenary meeting was held, where the opening speech was made by President of "REP Holding” Igor Starinkov, Chairman of Association of Specialists in Compressors and Pneumatics (ASCOMP) Yury Galerkin, Chairman of the Committee on Industrial Policy and Innovation Maxim Mejksin and other special guests.
"We must take every opportunity to develop our own domestic production," said Maxim Mejksin; he also highlighted that it was especially important to pay attention to the development of the industry in today's economic and political situation.
Within the framework of the plenary meeting reports were shown by the representatives of OAO «Gazprom», Close Company “REP Holding", NPO "Iskra", LLC “Gazpromtransgaz Ukhta”, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Compressor Corporation, ZAO “NIIturbokompressor named after V.B. Shneppa", Solar Turbines etc. The industry leading companies shared their experience in operating the compressor equipment, spoke about new methods and approaches to the design and production of gas compression equipment and new generation gas-pumping units, also the issues of building effective interaction of consumers and manufacturers with a view to improve the efficiency and reliability of the compressor sets were mentioned.
The XVI International Scientific and Technical Conference on Compressor-Building comprised seven sessions in the following areas:
- piston and rotary compressors;
- centrifugal and axial compressors;
- gas-pumping units and sets;
- compressors in refrigerating and cryogenic machines;
- unsteadiness and aeroelasticity in turbo-machines;
- dynamics and strength, bearings and seals, upgrading;
- operation of the compressor systems. Diagnostics and monitoring of the compressor equipment.
The sections were held under the chairmanship of Yu. B. Galerkin (Dr. Eng. Sc.), Chairman of Association of Specialists in Compressors and Pneumatics (ASCOMP), S.S. Yevgenyev ( Dr. Eng. Sc.), Prof. of the Turbomachines Department, KGTU named after A.N. Tupolev, R.A. Izmailov (Dr. Eng. Sc.), Prof. of Compressor, Vacuum and Refrigerating Equipment Department, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, leading researcher of PAO “Sumy NPO named after M.V. Frunze”, V.P.Parafejnik (Dr. Eng. Sc.), S.Yu. Salnikov (Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Director of Gazprom VNIIGAZ Centre of compressor stations and energotechnological equipment, I. Ya. Sukhomlinov (Dr. Eng. Sc.), Chief researcher of OAO "VNIIKHOLODMASH-HOLDING" and Yu.V. Kozhukhov, acting head of the Compressor, Vacuum and Refrigerating Equipment Department, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.
75 scientific and technical reports and presentations were shown at the sections. Discussions covered the key lines of the oil and gas industry development, the problems and prospects of the import substitution strategy implementation, hot issues of operation and economic efficiency improvement of the compressor equipment.
The innovative projects and advanced development were also presented, new approaches to the design and monitoring of the effectiveness of gas compressor units were discussed. The speakers told about new ways to improve the effectiveness of the equipment operation, about application of new types of compressor equipment; also new solutions for optimizing the production of the compressor equipment were opened, and the optimal methods of reliability calculation and the ways to extend the life of the power plants were demonstrated.
The conference proceedings in 2 volumes comprising 76 scientific and technical papers were published within the framework of the XVI International Scientific and Technical Conference on Compressor-Building.
In addition to participation in the meetings, all delegates participated in a study tour of “Nevskiy Zavod”, the main production site of "REP Holding”. The participants visited the main production areas where the new generation gas-pumping units, modern compressor equipment and advanced units for oil and gas and other industries are manufactured, packaged and tested.
Summarizing the Conference results, the Chairmen of the sections, speakers and delegates outlined the high level of the Conference organization, interesting and highly topical program and thanked the organizers for the opportunity to participate in an open and constructive dialogue between the academic community and business representatives, between the consumers and producers of compressor and gas turbine equipment.
Photo report of the Conference>>>