Two gas pumping units GPA-32 «Ladoga» of Nevsky Zavod production (affiliative of «Gazprom Energoholding Industrial Assets” Group ») are shipped to Amur GPP. This is the ninth and tenth "Ladoga" out of 12 for the city of Svobodny, which is under construction near the enterprise.
In the Scope of Supply are included centrifugal compressor, gas-turbine unit of power 32 MW, and also hangar shed with auxiliary equipment. The units have been sent to the site of Amur GPP by land, their shipment was preceded by integrated testing.
Currently on the first two production lines of Amur GPP is in operation a first couple of GPA-32 «Ladoga». On the third production line, commissioning of two more gas pumping units is underway. The installation of two units of equipment on the fourth production line continues. The completion of the delivery of all 12 units is planned by the end of 2022.
GPA-32 «Ladoga» is the key equipment of booster compressor stations Amur GPP, intendent for compression and further supply of refined methane fraction into main gas line «Power of Siberia ». The design of the GPA-32 "Ladoga" uses technical solutions that ensure the reliability of the equipment at low temperatures and seismicity up to eight points.
GPA-32 Ladoga on the basis of heavy duty gas turbine 32 MW it is characterized by a high degree of reliability and operational readiness, low carbon dioxide and nitrogen emissions, and a significant work resource, including in difficult climatic conditions. Ladoga belongs to the class of heavy duty GT with a long life cycle and extensive service capabilities at operational facilities.
Amur GPP is under construction in a district of city Svobodny, in Amur region and after time to full range of power will be one of the largest enterprises over world as for gas plant production. Its rated power - 42 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.
Commercial output of Amur GPP in addition to the purified methane fraction, there are ethane, propane, butane, pentane-hexane fraction and helium. The investor, customer and operating organization of Amur GPP is LLC “Gazprom pererabotka Blagoveshchensk” (included in the Group «GAZPROM» PLC).