Nevsky Zavod, a part of the Gazprom Energoholding Industrial Assets Group, has completed testing of the last unit of 18 centrifugal compressors kits 285ЦБК-16/70-С with removable rotor bundle СПЧ-285/70-1, 8-С for third phase of Bovanenkovo oil & gas field.
The last four sets has been passing through acceptance tests on the test bed of Nevsky Zavod at a witness of Customer representatives ¬- affiliative company LLC «Gazprom Invest» «Nadym». Three units will be prepared for shipment to the customer by the end of this year, the fourth is in early January 2022, and rest of the equipment was shipped earlier. Centrifugal compressors are intend for the sustaining preset level of gas pressure at the inlet of the unit, will operate in completion of gas pumping units a power of 16 MW on the booster compressors stations of Bovanenkovo third phase of 1-st gas-field and third phase of 2-d gas-field. Compressors are equipped with Dry Gas Sealing system, providing high reliability and increasing the unit polytrophic efficiency.
The first of two phases of Bovanenkovo NGKM booster compressor stations also are equipped with Nevsky Zavod production centrifugal compressors.
Bovanenkovo oil & gas field is the largest field on the Yamal peninsula by proven gas reserves. The Bovanenkovo NGKM development is realized by LLC «Gazprom dobycha Nadym». The initial gas reserves are 4, 9 trillion cub. m. The target level of natural gas output on Bovanenkovo oil & gas field are 115 billion cubic meters per year. High priority target of exploration are the Cenomanian Age Aptian deposits of Bovanenkovo field. Their development is provided by three gas fields: the first was commissioned in 2012, the second in 2014, and the third in 2018.
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