6 December 2013

Installation of the First GPU-32 «Ladoga» has started at CS «Russkaya»

On the 6th of December the installation of the first gas-pumping unit GPU-32 «Ladoga» began at compressor station «Russkaya» in the Krasnodar region. The station will provide gas transportation via the main gas pipeline «South Stream».

At CS «Russkaya» the GPU-32 «Ladoga» rated at 32 MW produced by «REP Holding» is installed. It features high efficiency (36%), low emissions and prolonged life time. According to the contract concluded in 2012 between «REP Holding» and «Gazprom komplektatsiya» a total of 14 such units will be installed at the station with total power of 448 MW.

In July 2013, on the production site of «REP Holding» - «Nevskiy Zavod» –the acceptance tests of the first MS5002E gas turbine to drive the GPU-32 «Ladoga» were successfully held. This MS5002E GTU was manufactured on the production sites of «REP Holding» in accordance with the third, final, localization phase under the license agreement between «REP Holding» and GE Oil & Gas (NP).

The tests of the MS5002E unit showed the compliance of thermal and mechanical characteristics with the technical requirements, the efficiency of the unit at 32.2 MW being 36.3%.

The installation of the gas-pumping equipment started on schedule and it is an important stage in the construction of the station and the South Stream gas pipeline.

The CS «Russkaya» will become the most powerful in the world: it will transfer 63 billion cu. m of gas per year under the Black Sea to a distance over 900 km.

Currently there are three gas – pumping units in production, being ready for more than 80%. Four gas – pumping units are completely finished and shipped to the CS. By the end of the year all the main equipment for the remaining three sets of the GPU-32 «Ladoga» for the first delivery stage to the CS «Russkaya» will be finished.

For reference

«REP Holding» produces the «Ladoga» gas-pumping unit rated at 32 MW, featuring the efficiency (36%) which is high for the Russian industrial-type units, low emissions and prolonged life time. GPU-32 «Ladoga» is designed to transfer natural gas via gas mains. It is supplied for «Gazprom» reconstruction and new construction projects. GPU -32 «Ladoga» units based on the licensed MS 5002E industrial turbine are successfully operating at the Bovanenkovo-Ukhta gas main facilities.

On April 25, 2012 «REP Holding» and «Gazprom komplektatsiya» signed the contract for the supply of 14 gas-pumping units «Ladoga-32» for the world's largest compressor station «Russkaya» of the South Stream gas main.

This is already a second big contract for the supply of modern GPU-32 «Ladoga»produced by «REP Holding» for «Gazprom» projects. The first contract for the supply of 19 units for the reconstruction and new construction projects for «Bovanenkovo-Ukhta» gas main was signed in June 2009.

South Stream is a project of Gazprom to build a gas pipeline with a capacity of 63 billion cu. m per a year through the area of the Black Sea to the South and Central Europe countries to diversify export routes for natural gas and to avoid transit risks. The sea section of the South Stream gas pipeline will run under the Black Sea from the compressor station «Russkaya» on the Russian coast to the Bulgarian coast. The overland gas pipeline, 1455 km long, will run on the territories of Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia. The gas metering station of Tarvisio in Italy will be the endpoint of the gas pipeline. Gas branch lines from the main route will be built to Croatia and Serbia (a state formation on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Currently, the gas pipeline construction is underway in Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia. At the end of 2015, in accordance with the schedule, South Stream will start to deliver gas. The gas pipeline will reach the design capacity by 2018.

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