21 June 2019

REP Holding Enterprises joined the National Project for Labor Productivity Improvement

Nevsky Plant and Electropult Plant joined the rank of the first enterprises in St.Petersburg, which launched the National Project «Labor Productivity and Employment Support». The aim of the project to increase labor productivity by using the lean production tools, as well as improving personnel qualification and involvement. The project operator is the Federal Center of Competence (FCC).

At the Nevsky Plant this pilot project will concerns the optimization of manufacturing flow of the compressor equipment. As a pilot manufacturing flow to create a sample site, the following production areas were selected: casings, rotors, assembly and tool-mechanical productions. At the Electropult Plant the block-box manufacturing flow became a pilot project.

At the selected sites, employees of the enterprises along with FCC will optimize the current manufacturing process: to carry out the flow mapping in graphic form displaying its current condition and target condition, to identify problem areas and find solutions to eliminate them, to conduct timekeeping and implement improvements. In the future, the results achieved at the pilot sites will be transferred to other divisions of the plants.

As a result of the project implementation, the plants productivity shall increase by at least 10% basing on results of the first year, with a view to increase this parameter up to the level of at least 30% basing on results of the third year of project implementation compared to the basis value.

“This is a great opportunity for our enterprises to become competitive in today’s market changing conditions, which in its turn is a key to stability for each employee,” said Igor Mishin, Director General of Nevsky Plant. - Flexibility and sustainability, ability to adopt to customer demands and respond quickly to market changes, cost effectiveness in the use of material, time and human resources are the main requirements to modern production, regardless of its industrial scale. Implementing the project on labor productivity improvement is our answer to challengers of the current market”.

“Ranking among the first enterprises of our region selected to participate in the National Project is a great honor and, at the same time, a huge responsibility. I am sure that the production facilities of REP Holding will be a worthy example of successful participation in the National Project and an example for other enterprises not only of St.Petersburg, but the whole of Russia as well”, highlighted Valery Neverovsky, Director General of Electropult Plant.

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