REP Holding together with the Commission of Gas Turbines of the Russian Academy of Sciences, All-Russian Thermal Engineering institute and the Association of Gas Turbine Technologies held 65 scientific and technical session of turbines on the subject “Research, development and implementation of scientific achievements in the field of gas turbines in Russian economy”. The key industry event was held at the site of Nevsky Zavod on the 18th-19th of September.
The leading power engineering enterprises (JSC REP Holding JSC, JSC “ODK-Aviadvigatel” JSC, PJSC “ODK-Saturn”, LLC “Siemens Gas Turbines Technology”, PJSC “Power Machines”, the “Experimental design bureau named for Lulka” (branch of PJSC ODK-UMPO), PJSC “NPO ELSIB”, JSC “ROTEK”, JSC “KMPO”, LLC “Zulzer Turbo Services Rus”, “SKF”, “Ural Civil Aviation Plant” and etc.), large design organizations and research institutes (OJSC “VTI”, LLC “Gazprom VNIIGAZ”, “Energy Research Institute” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, “Central Aviation Institute of engine construction named for P.I. Baranov, NPO “CKTI”, NRU “MEI”, the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LLC Research Center «Ceramic Engines» named for Boiko), specialized universities (St. Petersburg State University of Technology, Peter the Great University, The Ural Federal University) and the largest energy and gas companies (PJSC “Gazprom”, PJSC “Mosenergo”, PJSC “RusHydro”, PJSC “TGC-1”, LLC “Inter RAO - Engineering” and etc.) took part in the session.
More that 200 delegates from 50 enterprises took part in the scientific and technical session. The event was chaired by Mr. Gurgen Olkhovsky, the President of JSC “VTI”, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
President of JSC “REP Holding” Mr. Tagir Nigmatulin addressed the conference participants in a welcome speech: “This event is the effective platform where machine builders and specialists who are involved in research work can discuss the latest achievements and important issues in the field of gas turbine industry. I am happy to keep this tradition, because I understand the necessity to develop this direction. this is one of the factor of the national power engineering security. ”
At the 65th scientific and technical session of gas turbine problems, the actual issues and tasks of the domestic gas turbine power industry were raised: the scientific and technical problems of domestic developers and manufacturers of ground gas turbine units, the development and research of turbomachines, combustion chambers and packaged gas turbine units and Steam turbine units on their base, the equipment and systems for the electric and gas pumping stations.
During the discussion, the scientific basis and ways to create powerful domestic gas turbines and combined-cycle plants were proposed for the technical re-equipment of domestic condensing power plants burning the natural gas. Also the issues related to the use of CHP-110 gas-turbine plants were discussed, increasing of power up to 120 MW of gas turbine power plants 110.
A separate session block was devoted to the discussion of new methods and approaches to design, ways of the improvement of the construction and the implementation of new technologies in the process of the turbines designing.
One of the brightest highlights of the discussion was the discussion about the localization of world technologies and the creation in Russia, the competencies which can ensure the production of high-tech components for turbine hot-path and the maintenance of imported GTU during their operation.
More than 40 reports and presentations were presented during the session.
Also within the framework of the conference, the traditional competition between young engineers was organized, where specialists from JSC “REP Holding”, JSC “VTI”, LLC “Turboconstruction Technologies”, PJSC “ODK-Saturn”, NRU “MEI” presented their research and scientific and technical developments. The work of Artem Andropov, the head of the design department of turbine units of JSC “REP Holding”, was found out as the best one - the topic of the work “The Provision of the external cooling of the gas turbine engine on the base of the model of the thermal state of the turbine casing”.
For the participants of the session the tour around the manufacturing sites of the Nevsky Plant was organized. The visitors can get acquainted with the modern industrial complex of one of the oldest machine-building enterprises in Saint-Petersburg, view the stages of manufacturing, assembling and testing of modern power equipment. The guests visited the main technological lines and production facilities of the plant - rotor, casing assembling and blading, packaging and testing production areas, and also the reequipped metallurgical workshop.
The two-days program confirmed the applied nature of the session and its status as the business platform for exchanging opinions and practical solutions. According the results of discussion between participants, the agreements about the further cooperation were reached.
25 September 2018
The results of the 65th scientific and technical session of gas turbine problems were summed up.